Originally printed on KTUL Tulsa...Remember these faces...
Cassidy Mudd, KTUL Staff - Jan 14, 2022
A couple from Collinsville has been arrested after deputies said they found a dog who was "barely alive" in their backyard.
Authorities received a call back in November about a dog tied to a tree in the outside a home in Collinsville.
A deputy from the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office met up with an animal control officer from the Collinsville Police Department.
The deputy said the officer appeared to be extremely upset and possibly crying when they arrived on scene.
Smith said she found a grey dog that looked like a boxer lying under a tree.
When she finally approached, the officer said she noticed that the dog was still barely alive and was suffering from a severe cut near its right hip.
Without moving the dog, the animal control officer said she could see that the wound was covered in flies and maggots.
Investigators said suspects Ronald and Cassandra Ainsworth said they'd had the dog for 10 years, and that Cassandra mostly took care of him.
Cassandra told officials that the dog seemed fine the last time he was fed and watered, but said that she did notice a foul stench and had planned to take him into the vet.
Ronald said he never noticed injuries on the dog.
The officer transported the dog to the Catoosa Small Animal Hospital, where a veterinarian determined he needed to be euthanized to end its suffering.
By failing to provide the proper medical care and treatment to their dog, both Ronald and Cassandra are facing animal cruelty charges.
Remember these faces....
The Animal Rescue Site is a place where people can help provide food and care to millions of animals in need, both in the U.S. and around the world. In addition to sharing personal rescue stories, shopping for the cause, and signing petitions, visitors can take just a moment each day to click on a purple button to help animals. Visit The Animal Rescue Site and click today - it's free!

Until next time….hug your animals. Tell them you love them. If you don’t have a pet, adopt one. Make adoption your first option when seeking a pet. Adopt. Don’t shop. Can’t adopt. Please consider fostering one. The animal will have the taste of home and the shelter will cover the expenses. Can’t foster? Make a donation or volunteer at your local shelter. Please, don’t hunt. Unless you’re starving down in a ditch somewhere, there is no logical reason to do so. Whatever you do, however you do it, please be a voice for the animals large and small. All it takes is one to make a difference, good or bad.

Together, you and I can make a difference in an animal's life. I’m one for the animals. Are you? Thanks for visiting. Stay safe. Be strong. Be happy. Smile. Show compassion. Be nice to one another. Pass it onward. If you like what you see here, please consider signing up to become a follower. Please feel free to share this post with others.
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