Tuesday, May 7, 2019

5 Important Reasons Why You Should Pet Your Cat More...

A note from SJ Francis: I currently have three cats. All are rescues. One is a senior rescue. Two were sisters that were abandoned at a dumpster. Every day, I pet each one throughout the day and tell them I love them. Same goes for my dogs. Do you? You should. Always pet your pets. Always let them know you love them. Please, never abandon them, harm them or let anyone else harm them. Thank you.....

Originally from I Heart Cats: 

Most of us don’t need any extra reasons or incentives to 
pet our cats. Many of us would probably even stay home 
from work to pet our cats if we didn’t have bills to pay. 
The most obvious reason we love to pet our cats is 
because they are soft. That’s a pretty good reason, 
but it turns out that  there are even more benefits 
to petting your cat–both for her and for you! 
In you rush to pet your kitty, remember that 
not all petting sessions are created equal. Many 
cats don’t like to be pet on the belly, for instance, 
because it can make them feel too  vulnerable. 
Instead, stick to her chin, the base of her ears, and her 
cheeks– tried and true places that most cats loved to 
be scratched.
Image Source: Serena via Flickr.com
#1 – Communicate love
Petting is one of the best ways that you can communicate 
your love to your cat– there’s no mistaking what your 
caresses and scratches mean. And in turn, she can 
communicate her love through nudges and purring.
Image Source: Alessandro via Flickr.com
#2 – Reduce stress
You may have read our recent article about cats 
making great therapy animals. One of the reasons 
they make such great therapy animals is because
 studies have shown that petting a cat can reduce 
stress and anxiety, plus help lower blood pressure!
Image Source: Phil via Flickr.com
#3 – Detect fleas and ticks
When you pet your cat often you’ll be more familiar with 
her body and coat. That’ll help you notice if there are 
any creepy crawlers trying to make a meal out of your kitty. 
Fleas, especially, multiply fast. Noticing them quickly 
can help you eliminate the problem before it gets out of 
Image Source: Andrey via Flickr.com
#4 – Detect new cuts or bumps
Petting your cat often will also help you notice changes
 in her body that may not be visible under her coat, like 
scratches, bumps, or patches of dry skin. Noticing these
 changes can help guide you to action– whether that’s 
simply keeping an eye on it or making an appointment
 with your veterinarian.
Image Source: Alfred Brumm via Flickr.com
#5 – Detect tenderness
Since cats are masters at hiding pain, you may not 
even notice that your cat’s left leg is feeling tender 
until you pet her and your touch elicits a flinch or 
whimper. Being clued into an injury can help you 
take the steps necessary (likely through a visit
with your veterinarian) to manage her pain and 
get her on the road to healing.
Written by Andee Bingham 
The author of this article is Mama to two sassy and sweet cats, 
Nora and Ida. Active in cat rescue and advocacy. 
Lead writer at iHeartCats. Contact andee@homelifemedia.com

FYI: To find an animal in need of a home; to 
find an animal shelter near you, check out

               0r   www.savearescue.org

Remember, all types, ages, breeds, even
 purebreds are waiting to be adopted. 

Thanks for visiting my blog for the animals. It's always great to connect with 
another animal lover. If you and I don't speak up for them, who will? 

POTW feature

Coins That Count: 
Is your coin jar overflowing? Turn that loose change into cash that helps 
animals by donating to The HSUS at participating Coinstar machines 
nationwide. Where to go» Find a Kiosk near you...

Until next time….hug your animals. Tell them you love them. If you don’t have a pet, 
adopt one. Make adoption your first option when seeking a pet. Adopt. Don’t shop. 
Can’t adopt. Please consider fostering one. The animal will have the taste of home 
and the shelter will cover the expenses. Can’t foster? Make a donation or volunteer 
at your local shelter. Please, don’t hunt. Unless you’re starving down in a ditch 
somewhere, there is no logical reason to do so. Whatever you do, however you 
do it, please be a voice for the animals large and small. All it takes is one to make 
a difference, good or bad.
Together, you and I can make a difference in an animal's life.  I’m one for the animals. 
Are you? Thanks for visiting. Stay safe. Be strong. Be happy. Smile. Show compassion. 
Be nice to one another. Pass it onward. If you like what you see here, please consider 
signing up to become a follower. Please feel free to share this post with others.
    S.J. Francis
    In Shattered Lies: "Good and bad, it's All About Family."  
Available now from Black Opal Books and for sale at on-line retailers and 
independent booksellers.
   “Some secrets should remain that way.” 
      My Black Opal Books Author Page:
                  My web page: http://www.sjfranciswriter.com
                                     Twitter: https://twitter.com/sjfrancis419
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                  My writing Blog: http://sjfranciswriter.blogspot.com 
        A Book Review 4 U: http://abookreview4u.blogspot.com
                  A Consumer's View: http://aconsumersview.blogspot.com
                 Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104831238907682620486/about

And now for some legal stuff: Copyright 2019 by S.J. Francis. Opinions expressed here 
are solely those of the author, S. J. Francis and are meant to entertain,
 inform and enlighten, and intend to offend no one.
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Remember: Animals don't have 
voices. We must be their voice. 
Always. Forever. Wherever. 
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animals. Are you?