Originally posted at The Animal Rescue Site Blog:

Thanks for visiting my blog for the animals. It's always great to connect with another animal lover. If you and I don't speak up for them, who will?

Coins That Count:
This story originally appeared at American Web Media.

Lovebug is an aptly-named cat with a sweet, loving, and affectionate nature. Unfortunately, the poor animal’s owner had a mental illness that prevented her from demonstrating love in return. Though Lovebug would have preferred to cuddle and play, the woman coldly locked her inside a metal cage. The space was so cramped she couldn’t even extend to full length.

This arrangement may have been handy for the owner, but cats consider such confinement pure hell.
“Cats confined in cages can experience symptoms, such as decreased appetite, withdrawal from social groupings, increases in urinary cortisol, decreases in grooming, and increases in the frequency and intensity of attempts to hide,” researchers Judith L. Stella and Candace C. Croney said of Lovebug’s unusual living situation.

At last, Lovebug was finally rescued by Furry Nation Salvation, which committed not just to saving the cat from her cage, but providing all the love and cuddles she’d been missing. Soon, Lovebug moved in with Patty, a foster parent determined to show a wary feline there were still plenty of good people in this world.

“Before her rescue, Lovebug) was owned by a mentally ill woman who kept her confined to a dog crate for most, if not all of her life,” the video below explains. “Now in foster care, with Patty, (Lovebug) is safe.”

Now Lovebug, who is clearly in a much better place, spends her days showering her foster mom with affectionate. She’s clearly grateful to Patty for giving her a second chance. See what a little love and affection can do?
FYI: To find an animal in need of a home; to find an animal shelter near you, check out https://www.petfinder.com
Remember, all types, ages, breeds, even purebreds are waiting to be adopted.

Thanks for visiting my blog for the animals. It's always great to connect with another animal lover. If you and I don't speak up for them, who will?
Coins That Count:
Is your coin jar overflowing? Turn that loose change into cash that helps animals by donating to The HSUS at participating Coinstar machines nationwide. Where to go» Find a Kiosk near you...

Until next time….hug your animals. Tell them you love them. If you don’t have a pet, adopt one. Make adoption your first option when seeking a pet. Adopt. Don’t shop. Can’t adopt. Please consider fostering one. The animal will have the taste of home and the shelter will cover the expenses. Can’t foster? Make a donation or volunteer at your local shelter. Please, don’t hunt. Unless you’re starving down in a ditch somewhere, there is no logical reason to do so. Whatever you do, however you do it, please be a voice for the animals large and small. All it takes is one to make a difference, good or bad.
Together, you and I can make a difference in an animal's life. I’m one for the animals. Are you? Thanks for visiting. Stay safe. Be strong. Be happy. Smile. Show compassion. Be nice to one another. Pass it onward. If you like what you see here, please consider signing up to become a follower. Please feel free to share this post with others.

Until next time….hug your animals. Tell them you love them. If you don’t have a pet, adopt one. Make adoption your first option when seeking a pet. Adopt. Don’t shop. Can’t adopt. Please consider fostering one. The animal will have the taste of home and the shelter will cover the expenses. Can’t foster? Make a donation or volunteer at your local shelter. Please, don’t hunt. Unless you’re starving down in a ditch somewhere, there is no logical reason to do so. Whatever you do, however you do it, please be a voice for the animals large and small. All it takes is one to make a difference, good or bad.

Together, you and I can make a difference in an animal's life. I’m one for the animals. Are you? Thanks for visiting. Stay safe. Be strong. Be happy. Smile. Show compassion. Be nice to one another. Pass it onward. If you like what you see here, please consider signing up to become a follower. Please feel free to share this post with others.
S.J. Francis
In Shattered Lies: "Good and bad, it's All About Family."
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And now for some legal stuff: Copyright 2018 by S.J. Francis. Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author, S. J. Francis and are meant to entertain, inform and enlighten, and intend to offend no one.
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Remember: Animals don't have voices. We must be their voice. Always. Forever. Wherever. whenever. I'm one for the animals. Are you?