A Note from S.J. Francis: How could anyone leave an animal to die alone, especially a baby one? Despite a chance of being fined or jailed, one hiker helped a dying baby dear despite the risks. Bravo! The world needs more human beings like this man. Thank you to Corey for saving this obviously abandoned bear whose mother was probably killed by some hunter. No one should ever have to choose between being fined and jailed by choosing to save an innocent life. Do the right thing and deal with the legal consequences later on. I don't know about you, but I couldn't have just walked by without doing something either. That's why I'm one for the animals. Always. Forever.
From the Animal Rescue Site:

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she now uses that passion to write about the thing she loves most in this world: animals! When she isn't writing, you can find her curled up on the couch with a kindle in her hands and her Guinea Pigs on her lap.

Thanks for visiting my blog for the animals. It's always great to connect with another animal lover. If you and I don't speak up for them, who will?

A Book Review 4 U: http://abookreview4u.blogspot.com
A Consumer's View: http://aconsumersview.blogspot.com
FYI: To find an animal in need of a home; to find an animal shelter near you, check out https://www.petfinder.com
Remember: Animals don't have voices. We must be their voice. Always. Forever. Wherever. whenever. I'm one for the animals. Are you?
From the Animal Rescue Site:
Photographer Corey Hancock was hiking a scenic trail in Oregon when he came across a 3-month-old baby bear Monday night.
The bear was in such bad shape that Hancock thought he was dying. He was hardly moving at first when he walked up on him, and he seemed to have been abandoned.

Corey Hancock
Hancock knew he couldn’t leave the bear to die there. He decided to rescue him and carried him for more than two miles, unsure if he’d even survive. He tried to give him CPR and he took one breath. He was struggling just to survive.
He brought the bear to Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center near Salem, Oregon, where he’s currently recovering from dehydration and starvation and is now doing much better.

Corey Hancock
Many animal experts disagree with Hancock’s rescue and don’t think he should have touched the bear. According to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Hancock could have been fined $6,000 or even been sent to jail for a year.
But Oregon State Police say that Hancock won’t be punished in any way for saving the bear.

Corey Hancock
Hancock posted his story on his Facebook page. Watch more in the video below:
Make spare change make a difference for the wild. Join @CaringCent & purchases will be rounded & change
donated: https://donate.caringcent.com/#/go/wildearthguardians
Want to help out shelter animals without spending a dime?
Go to www.freekibble.com
Answer a question daily for dogs and cats and kibble is donated to feed them. Right or wrong, the answer doesn't matter.
Click on www.freekibble.com/litter and help give litter for cats.
Another way to help feed shelter animals without spending a dime is to visit and click the big purple box at:

Thanks for visiting my blog for the animals. It's always great to connect with another animal lover. If you and I don't speak up for them, who will?
Coins That Count:
Is your coin jar overflowing? Turn that loose change into cash that helps animals by donating to The HSUS at participating Coinstar machines nationwide. Where to go» Find a Kiosk near you...
Until next time….hug your animals. Tell them you love them. If you don’t have a pet, adopt one. Make adoption your first option when seeking a pet. Adopt. Don’t shop. Can’t adopt. Please consider fostering one. The animal will have the taste of home and the shelter will cover the expenses. Can’t foster? Make a donation or volunteer at your local shelter. Please, don’t hunt. Unless you’re starving down in a ditch somewhere, there is no logical reason to do so. Whatever you do, however you do it, please be a voice for the animals large and small. All it takes is one to make a difference, good or bad.
FYI: To find an animal in need of a home; to find an animal shelter near you, check out https://www.petfinder.com
Remember, all types, ages, breeds, even purebreds are waiting to be adopted.
FYI: To find an animal in need of a home; to find an animal shelter near you, check out https://www.petfinder.com

Together, you and I can make a difference in an animal's life. I’m one for the animals. Are you? Thanks for visiting. Stay safe. Be strong. Be happy. Smile. Show compassion. Be nice to one another. Pass it onward. If you like what you see here, please consider signing up to become a follower. Please feel free to share this post with others.
S.J. Francis
My Black Opal Books Author Page:
FYI: To find an animal in need of a home; to find an animal shelter near you, check out www.petfinder.com
Remember, all types, ages, breeds, even purebreds are waiting to be adopted.
My Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/SJ-Francis/480058115420325
My writing Blog: http://sjfranciswriter.blogspot.com
A Book Review 4 U: http://abookreview4u.blogspot.com
A Consumer's View: http://aconsumersview.blogspot.com
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/sjfrancis419/
Good Reads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/33550975-s-j
And now for some legal stuff: Copyright 2017 by S.J. Francis. Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author, S. J. Francis and are meant to entertain, inform and enlighten, and intend to offend no one.
Remember, all types, ages, breeds, even purebreds are waiting to be adopted.
Make spare change make a difference for the wild. Join @CaringCent & purchases will be rounded & change
donated: https://donate.caringcent.com/#/go/wildearthguardiansRemember: Animals don't have voices. We must be their voice. Always. Forever. Wherever. whenever. I'm one for the animals. Are you?